Sincerely, Dana Merrill
welcome to
OVER 450 Instructors Worldwide
ISR Self-Rescue™
Lessons Taught
Over 450,000 Students
More than 800 Lives Saved Utilizing ISR’s Survival Techniques
Infant Swimming Resource is a
SAFE, effective aquatic survival instruction program for children ages 6 months to 6 years.
With more than 60 years of research and development behind ISR's Self-Rescue program, we teach each child survival skills in conjunction with basic swimming lessons that give them the competence required to safely enjoy the water.
Empower your child, enroll them in
ISR’s Self-Rescue™ program.
I can’t say enough about the ISR program. Instructor Amy Pritchett has been amazing with my children. Her great teaching ability and obvious love of children compliments her swimming and safety instructions amazingly. She very quickly won over both of my boys early in their lessons, and they still mention Amy’s name whenever we are around water.
My oldest son, now 3, was swimming well after the first week, and by the end of his lessons we could hardly keep him out of the water.
My youngest enjoyed nothing more than floating and smiling up at Amy. Having two toddlers near water can be exhausting and stressful. ISR has given me the peace of mind to spend a little less time worrying, and a lot more time swimming and having fun with my boys.